Finlandia-katsaus 138
Autre(s) titre(s): Finlandia Survey No 138
Genre: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
Année: 1950
Durée: 07:00:00
Description: New radio transmitter and mast in Tapiola. Topping out ceremony of the technology students’ housing complex in Otaniemi. Finland’s first television demonstration and broadcast at Stockmann department store in Helsinki. President Paasikivi, 80 years. Identifying dogs by the snout in Canada. Dive show in California. Underwater theatre in Texas. A Hollywood chimpanzee at the dentist.
Mots-clés: radiotekniikka / radioasemat / tornit / televisioteknikka / televisiokuvaus / tavaratalot : Stockmann : Helsinki / nyrkkeily / uimahypyt / esittelyt : televisio / koira / simpanssi / presidentit : Paasikivi, Juho Kusti / juontajat : Creutz, Carl Erik / asuntotuotanto : Otaniemi : Teekkarikylä / ysa:televisio / radio stations / television technology / Helsinki / boxing / diving / TV / dogs / chimpanzees / presidents / Paasikivi, Juho Kusti / housebuilding / Teekkarikylä / television
Fournisseur: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Société de production: Suomi-Filmi Oy
Couleur: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Type de document:
Format original: Video/mpeg
Language: fi